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In line with our Learning Essentials, the purpose of assessment at St. Julian’s is to ensure that our students understand what they are learning, how well they are doing and what the next steps are.

The assessment processes are designed in line with  the ‘Assessment for Learning’ philosophy of Black and William and also ensure that students are encouraged through carefully structured and guided opportunities to reflect on their learning and move forward with the use of constructive feedback.

Formative Assessment

The majority of assessment is for formative purposes and also enables our teachers to adapt their planning and the course of lessons to ensure that all students are challenged and supported in their learning

It is also designed to enable our students to understand how well they are doing and what the next steps are, in addition to including guided opportunities to reflect on their learning and how they learn through the use of constructive teacher feedback.

The formative assessment, based on Assessment for Learning principles, will occur on a  day by day and lesson by lesson basis and will incorporate feedforward mechanisms that allow teachers to adapt their teaching strategies to ensure that all students are challenged and supported in their learning. 

The types of formative assessment that teachers may use include

  • diagnostic questioning
  • mini white boards
  • constructive written feedback of selected pieces of class
  • homework

Other ways to assess the development of skills, knowledge and understanding such as tests are also used in a formative way that moves learning forward.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessments are used, but these will always be used formatively to inform teacher planning and to support student self-reflection, beginning the process of helping students develop the necessary skills and resilience to learn from mistakes and move forward in their learning.