University Destinations
Recent years’ university destinations of St. Julian’s graduates have included top universities in the UK, the US and Europe. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our teachers and our Higher Education advisory team.
University Destinations 2023
The United Kingdom
University | Course |
University | Course |
The United States and Canada
Country | University | Course |
Canada |
United States of America |
Country | University | Course |
Czech Republic |
France |
Germany |
Ireland |
Italy |
Spain |
The Netherlands |
* 2 students
** 3 students
*** 5 students
Preparation for Higher Education
Through school-wide events, parent and student presentations, small group sessions, and individual meetings with students, students are guided through the process of developing their plans for Higher Education at universities throughout the world. At the end of Year 12 students attend an annual Higher Education Workshop, where students are offered both plenary sessions and smaller, specifically focused workshops to prepare them for the application process.
The process of career exploration and preparation for Higher Education (HE) begins far earlier, with well-structured Options choice programmes, involving form tutors and Heads of Year 9 (for IGCSE Options) & Year 11 (for IB Options). At the end of Year 10, students undertake a week of work experience, either in the local community or abroad. They are encouraged to organise their own placement, based on their interests, though the school has a bank of local companies that take on students annually.
In addition to the Careers interview in Year 11, where HE course options are discussed, further bespoke guidance on these options is offered to students & their parents in Year 12 onwards. At the start of the Spring term, students also complete the Target Careers Degree Explorer to focus their HE research.
The Portuguese Universities Coordinator oversees applications to Portuguese HE later in Year 13, and facilitates provision and certification of supporting documentation, much of which is submitted over the summer holidays. Regular visits to local universities’ Open days take place, and the Coordinator organises the annual Portuguese Universities Fair, which also includes seminars on application procedures and career outcomes.
The advisory work on Higher Education in Portugal starts in Year 11 when pupils are choosing their IB options: presentation to parents and pupils on the options evening with information on IB subjects that can be used as Entry Exams for Portuguese Universities; conversion of grades into the Portuguese scale; and information on extra academic support offered by the school to prepare students for Portuguese HE entry exams. The Coordinator also liaises with Universities and Higher Education Institutions so that they are aware of the IB Diploma subjects and accept them on an individual basis as entry exams, taking into consideration the Portuguese legislation.
Students Future Team
The Student Futures team is made up of a team of university advisors, including a specialist Portuguese Universities advisor. The team, led by the Student Futures Coordinator, work with secondary students to help students prepare for the world of work.
This includes exploring student’s skills and interests, identifying the different industries that exist, and learning about making informed decisions in Key Stage 3.
In Key Stage 4 some key features of the programme are the Academic Internship Placements and Morrisby profiling.
Throughout Key Stage 5 the Student Futures team guide and support students and families through the university application process.