Get to know our Students CAS projects

Get to know our Students CAS projects

Get to know our Students CAS projects
Latest School News

At the end of an academic year and halfway through CAS, students demonstrate a series of remarkable experiences and the launch of several collaborative projects.

‘There is more to you than you think’’- Kurt Hann

As we reach the end of the first academic year of CAS, the teachers are impressed by the incredible journey the students have embarked upon together. This year, the students have shown creativity, vitality, and community spirit, which are woven through their collective actions and achievements. 

All three strands (Creativity, Activity and Service), have encouraged students to participate in meaningful and fun experiences. The walls of our dining hall have been adorned with stunning food-themed murals. Our budding photographers have captured moments of joy, introspection, and everyday beauty in and around our community. Our students have shown incredible dedication to sports and well-being activities on the fields, the gym, and the coast.  Service to the community has continued to be at the heart of our CAS program through organising food drives, volunteering in local organisations, participating in environmental clean-ups, or mentoring younger peers.

Flickr album: CAS - Creativity - Dining hall mural | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

It also marked the beginning of diverse CAS collaborative projects, where students with an array of interests came together to create something extraordinary and purposeful. These projects have ranged from sustainability initiatives, cultural exchange programs and rehabilitating the garden, amongst others. 

Flickr album: CAS - Service "Feeding the Community" | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

The creative expressions, athletic achievements, and altruistic actions of our students have laid a strong foundation for the program's culmination in year 13. Well done, year 12!

Mr Bernardo Savill

CAS Coordinator

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Get to know our Students CAS projects