Secondary Activity Days

Year 7, 8, 9, 6º, 7º and 8º ano students had a wonderful time with some exciting activities last week, culminating in a tiring but great fun day of House challenges. The activities ranged from paddle boarding to climbing to coasteering, as students got out of their comfort zones and blew off some steam at the end of the year.
This year, we have also introduced some service learning activities, and these have had a very positive impact on student's experience as shown by some of the comments we received feedback:
“I really enjoyed the volunteering part of the activities and it made me want to look more into and start volunteering.”
“I want to do more to help Cercica, I liked their values.”
“I am most proud of being able to help others in the Community Centre and make a difference.”
“Going to the community centre has inspired me to try to express my gratitude a little more and also help others who really need it. In the house games, I was doing a lot of team-building activities, and the students' responses was very positive. This has inspired me to organise more team-building activities for the year group as I am part of the Student Council.”
“The community centre work was very eye-opening and also inspired me to continue helping the community.”
We believe that these experiences are essential for the growth and development of our young people, and doing this kind of project can clearly enhance the 6Cs. Our Director of Enrichment will continue to work with our community partnerships to develop this aspect of our curriculum, and we hope that the activity days next year will incorporate even more authentic service learning opportunities.
Mr Dan Norbury, Secondary Principal