SJS Art Department Celebrates the Artists of the Month

SJS Art Department Celebrates the Artists of the Month

 SJS Art Department Celebrates the Artists of the Month
Latest School News

The following observational drawings were completed during their 50-minute end-of-year assessment.

Year 7 were given a Still Life of pots, plates and flowers to draw, particularly considering ellipses, scale and proportion. Congratulations to Narumi Mizuto for her well-observed drawing.

Year 8 was presented with a Still Life of fruit and vegetables.  Within this, the students demonstrated their understanding of texture and mark making—well done, Michele Chen, who showed a sensitive understanding of these qualities.

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Year 9 were tasked with creating a clear composition of a bottle with wine glasses and fruit. All of the previous skills, plus that of opacities and translucencies, needed to be considered. Weiyu Xue (Marissa) displayed these techniques within her assessment.

Year 10s chose their own object to springboard them into their Sculpture Project. Maria Camarinhas's drawing of two childhood bears slumped together completed a delightful and heartwarming composition.

Congrats to all of our talented Artists of the Month.

The Art Department

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 SJS Art Department Celebrates the Artists of the Month