Primary Celebration of Learning

As the school year comes to an end, last week, parents had a unique opportunity to meet with their child and their child’s class teacher to reflect on some of the incredible achievements that have taken place during this academic year.
Children in Years 1 to 6 shared their most memorable learning moments during a student-led parent conference in the Primary Hall. Guided by the class teacher, each child was able to explain to their parents what they were most proud of, some key learning moments, and how they developed the 6Cs throughout the course of the year. Each student had pre-selected a sample of learning that they wanted to share, and these were presented to highlight the personal growth that had taken place. It was a privilege to be able to hear some of the students discuss their learning experiences and to offer insights into not only what they have learned but how. This important self-reflection is a key skill and something we wish to nurture in all our students.
Reception students welcomed their families into their classrooms for a ‘stay and play’ experience, proudly sharing their learning space and achievements throughout the year. Our youngest learners in Nursery shared a song and special snack time with families to round up a fabulous first year in school. Well done to all!
We are grateful to all of our Primary parents for attending and are very proud of all the students who have the courage to communicate their learning this way.
Primary leadership Team