Celebrating honesty, commitment and respect

Celebrating honesty, commitment and respect

Celebrating honesty, commitment and respect
Latest School News

Following our section on independence and responsibility in the previous newsletter, the other three school Golden Values we would like to share with you are honesty, commitment and respect. 

In school, we constantly focus on these values and they are regularly discussed during the day, during lessons, assemblies and playtime. During playtime, children have more freedom and this is where some conflict may arise. In these circumstances, staff will support children to resolve any issues, with respect and honesty at the centre of all discussions. We recognise when children tell the truth and this is encouraged and praised at all times. Similarly, children who are showing kindness and helpful behaviour are recognised as good role models to others.

It is easy to understand why some children give up when a task proves challenging. Teaching children about commitment and resilience means they are less likely to give up. We believe this is an important value, and therefore in the Primary school we encourage children to develop a growth mindset. Using a range of strategies that allow children to challenge themselves and understand how the brain works, we encourage children to push themselves beyond their comfort zone. It is great to see those ‘I did it!’ moments when children have finally achieved at a task that they have found challenging and they develop a great sense of pride.

How can you help at home?
Encourage your child to always tell the truth, no matter what

  • Praise them when they do tell the truth, especially when that means they are owning up to something
  • Demonstrate that even if a task is difficult, you will persevere and not give up
  • Celebrate when your child demonstrates commitment to a task
  • Recognise when your child is being caring and helpful and reward this
  • Talk to your child about the importance of being kind to themselves and others


It has been a very different start to the school year, but we are proud of how the students are embracing and demonstrating all of our Golden Values. We hope you can discuss, encourage and celebrate these values with them at home as well. 

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Celebrating honesty, commitment and respect