CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) activities are back

CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) activities are back

CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) activities are back
Latest School News

CAS always starts the year with in-school actions, which serve not only as an introduction to the programme, but are also an opportunity for students to ‘learn the ropes’ of what it is to engage in an enriching experience in all three strands (Creativity, Activity and Service).

This year kicked off with a slightly different approach, in that dedicated sessions are timetabled only during week A, as opposed to the usual weekly slot. This was a slight adjustment for the team. Nevertheless, it has proven to be an excellent opportunity for the students to have an experience ‘taster’ then follow it up with a similar action during week B.

The last four sessions have seen a myriad of actions with welcome, if not tentative,  visits to the local area. Activity groups went to the local beach for a surf lesson and a go at the challenging ‘Lynx assault course’. Service groups embraced once again opportunities for direct service in the community and Creativity groups were split between the celebrated school-based Mural project and the ‘One world docufilm’. Students and CAS teachers alike are looking forward to a year of meaningful and engaging experiences in and around our school.

Bernardo Savill
CAS Coordinator  

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CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) activities are back