Embedding the Shaper Profile daily into our community 

Embedding the Shaper Profile daily into our community 

Embedding the Shaper Profile daily into our community 
Latest School News

During the first half term of the year, we have been exploring ways to better understand and embed the Shaper Profile in our community. We are now seeking your help to define the behaviours that represent each of the 6Cs. What would we expect to see and hear if members of our community (students, staff and parents) are living and breathing the attributes of compassion, curiosity, collaboration, communication, courage and citizenship?

Please complete this Google Form to share your ideas.

Your input will be used to define a Shaper code of conduct - our expectations for how we should act individually and as part of a community. Please take some time to consider what each of the 6Cs means and how they can be applied to everyday situations. For example, ‘Collaborative’ could include:
Listens to the ideas of others
Values the different ideas that come from diverse perspectives 
Contributes to the team
Consider what attributes are most important to you and help us to shape St. Julian’s.

Dan Norbury
Secondary Section Principal

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Embedding the Shaper Profile daily into our community