Special messages from our current Ambassadors

Special messages from our current Ambassadors

Special messages from our current Ambassadors
Latest School News

Our time as Senior Ambassadors has been an incredibly positive experience, providing us with the opportunity and privilege of engaging members throughout the St. Julian's community to work together to push the school's values forward. Despite beginning our leadership in the midst of a global pandemic, the Ambassador team hit the ground running with a set of objectives compatible with the 5 sub-committees; Environment, Student Council, Diversity & Wellbeing, Student Life, and Learning & Communication. The division of the Ambassador team into these sub-committees allowed for the right division of interests across the group, meaning that the ambassadors were concentrating their efforts on the issues which they were most passionate about. These include the promotion of the IT Donation Project, which raised over €25,000 for children lacking access to technology during remote learning; the creation of the Student Council which now contains over 25 students from across the Secondary School; and the introduction of the St. Julian’s Inclusion Site Project, a platform which celebrates diversity and promotes equality, providing a safe space for students to share their stories. The Ambassadors are grateful for the chance to have led the student body this year and are excited to leave behind a lasting legacy. Each ambassador has given a short sentence or two below to summarise their time in the role.

Gabriela and Ross

“Working in the student council I think has given me some valuable experience on managing a small team and trying to bring out their ideas; then compiling them with other team leaders to create an agenda for us to follow.”

“Being a student ambassador gave me a sense of responsibility in being able to step up towards completing a role. I also really enjoyed having this opportunity to develop my teamwork skills.”

"To me, becoming a Student Ambassador was an extremely rewarding experience, in the sense that I was able to enact positive changes within the school community that we all appreciate so much."

“It has been a great pleasure, albeit a bit challenging at times, to represent an entire year group on the student council subcommittee. I truly believe that I felt a sense of responsibility for the well-being of others, and as a result, learned the value of selflessness.”

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to take part in the different meetings and discussions we had as student ambassadors. My communication and team-working skills have matured throughout my time and the importance of prioritising particular ideas was highlighted.”

“Being part of the Learning and Communications Committee was an extremely rewarding experience! One of the highlights was collecting student and teacher voices on their experience with remote learning and implementing strategies to help improve everyone's experience. This was an eye-opening process since there were many different perspectives and suggestions!”

“I really enjoyed my time as a student ambassador of the environmental committee. Environmental conservation is an issue I am truly passionate about, and having the opportunity to help St. Julian's make a contribution to address it was a wonderful experience. Through it, I was able to witness the power of creativity and determination in creating positive change!”

"The Student Ambassadorship was a chance to take initiative within the school
environment, identify changes, and implement local solutions. I'm grateful for the position; the main lesson I've learned was how to find and make opportunity where it seems scarce."

"The student ambassadorship is an experience I will always cherish. It gave me the opportunity to interact with the community around school; it improved my leadership, communication and organisational skills which I’m sure will aid me in the future; and most importantly it allowed me to make the school a better place for everyone. Thank you for this opportunity!"

*The surnames are not disclosed due to GDPR regulation.

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