Amazing GROWTH during British Science Week in Primary

Amazing GROWTH during British Science Week in Primary

Amazing GROWTH during British Science Week in Primary
Latest School News

Primary British Science Week was a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. In addition to the Maths Day on Monday 14th March (Pi Day), each year group participated in science activities based around this year’s theme, GROWTH.

We invite you to take a look at some of the exciting science activities that took place in each year group:


On Thursday 17th March, the Nursery students visited Quinta da Granja as part of the theme of Understanding the Word, they were learning farm animals. They saw many animals including some baby ducks, baby and adult rabbits, a horse, chickens, pigs and a donkey! It was a very exciting school trip and the children enjoyed it immensely.  Ask them about the donkey’s teeth!

Flickr album: Nursery @ Primary Science Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


As part of their ‘Space’ topic, Reception students looked at how Earth is different to other planets. What makes it possible for life to survive and grow on Earth? What are the similarities and differences with the other planets? The children also wrote some lovely, independent writing using interesting facts about space.

Flickr album: Reception @ Primary Science Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Year 1

In Year 1, the children have been watching silkworms grow. Using leaves from a mulberry tree in the school grounds, the children have fed and cared for the silkworms and seen them grow longer, larger and fatter! At the time of writing this article, the silkworms have formed a chrysalis and now the children are excitedly waiting for them to hatch! Next, the children will be using these observations to learn about life cycles.

Flickr album: Y1 @ Primary Science Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Year 2

What forces act upon a parachute? How can we make sure our investigation is a fair test? What are gravity and air resistance? These questions were posed as the Year 2 children planned and carried out a parachute experiment, using Lego men and parachutes dropped from the Palacio terrace!

Flickr album: Y2 @ Primary Science Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Year 3

Some fun-packed lessons took place in Year 3 looking at shadows as the children investigated which materials are opaque, transparent and translucent and how to make a good shadow puppet. The students will be applying their knowledge of shadows to act out the story of ‘The Legend of Isis and Osiris’, using shadow puppets as part of their current topic about Ancient Egypt. 

Flickr album: Y3 @ Primary Science Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Year 4

Following Year 4's visit to the frigate, Dom Fernando ll e Glória, on Wednesday 16th March, the children have been discussing and learning about the importance of good nutrition in relation to their topic on explorers and adventurers, with specific reference to scurvy and the dangers of lack of Vitamin C in the diet.

Flickr album: Y4 @ Primary Science Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Year 5

A windowsill garden has appeared in the Year 5 corridor as the children have planted, grown and tended to tomatoes, rocket and peas. The children are responsible for ensuring the plants have the right variables in order to grow and flourish. As you can see from the photos, they have been doing a fantastic job!

Flickr album: Y5 @ Primary Science Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Year 6

Year 6 have learnt about silkworms and moths. We looked closely at the anatomy of a caterpillar and tried to identify the body parts of a real live silkworm. We talked about the life cycle of a butterfly and watched a time-lapse video of the life cycle. Everyone had the chance to pick up a silkworm and have a close look using magnifying glasses.

Flickr album: Y6 @ Primary Science Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

As you have seen, and possibly heard, it has been a really exciting week! 
So we invite you to use these resources for Early Years or Primary if you wish to continue this science learning with your child at home.

The Primary Leadership Team.

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Amazing GROWTH during British Science Week in Primary