Foundation Children Enjoy Easter Activities

Foundation Children Enjoy Easter Activities

Foundation Children Enjoy Easter Activities
Latest School News

Easter marks the beginning of spring as it is near the vernal equinox, and in northern latitudes, this means the end of the cold days of winter, the coming back to the life of plants, trees and the birth of new life in the animal world.

This theme has been reflected in Nursery activities that focused on visiting a farm and the Science theme of growth. With that in mind, children have been listening to traditional stories, focusing on The Enormous Turnip, which grew so big the farmer could not pull it out.  The only solution was calling on others to help and pull together, showing the importance of one of our 6Cs - Collaboration.

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Our Reception pupils are also enjoying activities, stories and songs centred on Easter. They have written their letters to the Easter bunny and have carried out numerous activities centred around the Easter theme.  Some children have been working out how to care for the animals, whilst others have been creating amazing pictures of animals.

The week will finish with Easter egg hunts for all, which will be a huge success, as always. The Foundation staff wish everyone a Happy Easter!

Liz Wood
Deputy Primary Principal and Foundation Assistant Principal

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Foundation Children Enjoy Easter Activities