Vieira da Silva and the Natural History Museums

Vieira da Silva and the Natural History Museums

Vieira da Silva and the Natural History Museums
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It has been 3 years in the waiting, but at last, Thursday, 13th October, we were able to take the Year 10 Art students on a trip to Lisbon to see some artwork in the flesh.

Visiting a gallery is the best way to see a piece of artwork, as looking at Art is a sensory and physical experience; it is only when you are in front of the work that you can see the scale, the marks and texture, and the true colours.  Artwork often requires you to step in for closer inspection and then away to view it as a whole.  How the work is curated is also vital to the viewer’s perception of the work.  These things can not be transferred when looking at work in a book or on a computer screen.
Here are a few comments and photos to give a flavour of our Y10 Art Trip. I really enjoyed going to the Museu Arpad Szenes Vieira da Silva because it gave me a chance to see the artwork in real life and draw from something directly in front of me. The guided tour helped me understand how Vierra da Silva produced her work and intended for the viewer to have an immersive experience. The video projection room gave me a sense of how the pieces were structured and how all the elements played a part in the layering and composition of the piece.


Flickr album: Visit to the Vieira da Silva and the Natural History Museums | Height: 220px | Theme: Justified | Skin: Default Skin

The Natural History Museum was really interesting because it displayed natural elements which were great material for observational drawings. The museum also included a large exhibition of drawings and photographs that represented animals, landscapes and plants, which linked to the Structures and Environments topic that we are currently working on.

Aliki Lima

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Vieira da Silva and the Natural History Museums