Introducing Our New Student Monitors in Y5 and 4º ano

Introducing Our New Student Monitors in Y5 and 4º ano

Introducing Our New Student Monitors in Y5 and 4º ano
Latest School News

After a short application process, the Year 5 and 4º ano students have all been allocated a student monitor role for one term each, ensuring that all students have a chance to be a monitor. The students receive guidance from a range of adults in school, and when they are student monitors are expected to model behaviour and expectations. Their duties include caring for the play equipment, helping in classes on wet days, helping other children in the playground and reporting problems to the teachers. They also help with reading books and help in the canteen when children have their school lunch. The student monitors are given a job description in order to carry out their role successfully and have a badge so they can be easily identified by others in the school.

Term 1 Monitors

Book Monitors: Isabel Barros, Daniel Liu, Joana Rito, Henri Rais, Laura Bishop

Lost Property Monitors: Bartolomeu Brandão, Alexander Augustin

Lunchroom Monitors: Madalena Peréz-Hick, Thomas Weber, Carolina de Castro

Eco Monitors: Júlia Neves, Shanyin Liu, Ana Mansur, Chris Martin

Digital Monitors: Lourenço Magalhães, Ana Borchardt, Laura Cardoso, Vasco Pereira Coutinho, Isabel Sun

Library Monitors: Kayla Ferreira, Beatriz Corrula, Francisca Lavradio

Playground Monitors: Yuning Ye, Constança Vicente Barreto, Angelia Magalhães, Luca Rocchietta, Luke Plews-Stedman

Safety Monitors: Tiago Mação, Anda Lin

Louise Banthorpe
KS2 Deputy Principal 
Ciaran Finnegan
Upper KS2 Phase Leader

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Introducing Our New Student Monitors in Y5 and 4º ano