House Captains visit the Centro Comunitario de Carcavelos

House Captains visit the Centro Comunitario de Carcavelos

House Captains visit the Centro Comunitario de Carcavelos
Latest School News

The House Captains had the chance to visit the centre and find out how all the goods St Julian’s families donated will help many families in need. The Centre organises the donated food and goods in a way that allows the families that visit to feel they are at a supermarket. The House Captains were able to see the Centre in operation. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this important cause. This is what the House Captains said:

“On Tuesday the 22nd of November, some of the House Captains (us) went to Centro Comunitário de Carcavelos. At the Centro Comunitário, they serve 170 families in need. Thankfully, lots of schools and supermarkets donate food to help. They make it seem like a supermarket, although they consider the unprivileged families by making the food and sanitary products free!” 
Maria Bobone, Julia Champalimaud, Esperança Sousa and Hardik Bhatt

Maria Aleixo, ES House Leader

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House Captains visit the Centro Comunitario de Carcavelos