4º ano Are Embarking on a Penfriends Project With an Elementary School

4º ano are embarking on a penfriends project with an elementary school, the Picasso Grundscule in Berlin, Germany. This is a project that started about 5 years ago through a colleague in the German department at St.Julian’s and has been a great success. New friendships were made and some continued through secondary school.
Having Penfriends is a great way for students to practise their English reading and writing skills as well as help promote intercultural understanding. Writing to a Penfriend also helps develop curiosity for different cultures, languages and traditions.

Students are highly motivated as they are writing with a real purpose and a real audience.
The goal of the Penfriends project is to build connections, have powerful conversations and collaborate with one another.
4º ano students have just been assigned penfriends and written a letter of introduction to their pen pal. They will be exchanging both cultural and personal information and practise different formats of writing including, letters, Christmas cards, postcards and poetry.
Nadia Santos
English Teacher