IB Visual Arts Exhibition Truly Showcases Amazing Talents

IB Visual Arts Exhibition Truly Showcases Amazing Talents

IB Visual Arts Exhibition Truly Showcases Amazing Talents
Latest School News

Well we got there!

But let’s be honest; we have actually had to wait four years for this celebration, as this cohort didn’t get the opportunity to show off all of their GCSE work two years ago. Even then, it was clear that they were a talented lot, but since then, they have taken their technical and conceptual skills to another level. It was certainly a wonderfully eclectic exhibition which truly reflected the students' own diversity and personal journeys. But such artistic journeys are not necessarily easy; we had our share of tears, frustrations, and lots of ‘what happens if’? Great - and strange - conversations, but mostly these outcomes were down to sheer hard work. So thankfully, this year, we were able to celebrate this cohort's artwork in the style that they fully deserve. 

Flickr album: IB Art Exhibition | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Of course there are many besides the students that need to be thanked here. Firstly, the parents who have constantly supported ‘this lot’ in their often rocky road of making artwork and for being open-minded with some very strange requests. Responding, “You want to do what with the dogs?” or “You want to bake a cake for your art show?” (you had to be there).

Massive thanks also to all of the support team at St. Julian’s who got this exhibition off the ground: The Events Team, including Alexandra, who ensured everything went as smooth as silk and, as always, a huge thanks to Nuno Mointero (who is the ultimate problem solver) and the wonderful work team gang. Plus to the catering team who, yet again, have excelled themselves with both liquid refreshments and nibbles - much needed after last year's COVID-19 drought.

On a personal note, I am forever thankful to our stunning Art Team; Sarah Dore, Becca Davey and Vicki Ozkurt and our ever-present technicians, Teresa Horgan and Leonor Biscaia, to whom without we wouldn’t have the depth, rigour or diversity of outcomes. You are all stars.

But, most of all, congrats have to go to this wonderful, quirky and joyous group of IB Art students - it is really all about them.

Do bear in mind the exhibition work is only a part of the hard work that they have put in over the two years Visual Arts course. They have also been working on equally strong Process Portfolios and Comparative Studies, which are the foundation of these strong, informed outcomes. In the next few weeks, they will be busy sending all of these into the ether for assessment, but for now, they have done themselves proud by producing this excellent exhibition.

So thank you, Visual Art students, of 2023; you have been amazing and an absolute joy to teach. Thank you!

Ms Roo Burridge
Head of Art

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IB Visual Arts Exhibition Truly Showcases Amazing Talents