The SJS Chamber Orchestra needs your help!

The SJS Chamber Orchestra needs your help!

The SJS Chamber Orchestra needs your help!
Latest School News

The Chamber Orchestra organised a bake sale to raise funds to participate in the Music Fusion FestIV. And you can still contribute!

In order to raise money to help our friends from less privileged backgrounds attend the festival, members of the Chamber Orchestra held a bake sale.  The students baked and sold a spectacular array of cakes and cookies and raised 163,22 euros.  Huge congratulations to our wonderful and clearly multi-talented musicians!

We are in the process of fundraising to enable our friends from less privileged backgrounds to attend the festival. This includes flights from the UK, transport and catering for the students from London. 

If you would like to make a donation, please do this by bank transfer to the school’s account with the reference: Music Festival Donation. Alternatively, a cash amount can be handed into Rafael at the School Life desk in a sealed envelope marked ‘Music Festival Donation’.

Any amount will be gratefully received.

Ms Jackie Correia, Head of Music

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The SJS Chamber Orchestra needs your help!