Developing Independence and Resilience in Primary

Developing Independence and Resilience in Primary

Developing Independence and Resilience in Primary
Latest School News

The start of a new school year is exciting and an opportunity to set new goals or targets and look ahead. However, we know that it can also be daunting as our students get to know their new teacher and teaching assistants and also, often, new friends within the class. In order to support your child(ren) with this transition, it is important that you encourage them to develop their independence and resilience. 

In the mornings, please ensure they help pack their school bag and know where things are. For the younger students (Nursery and Reception), parents are welcome to drop their children at the classroom for the first few weeks, but for students from Year 1, please encourage your child(ren) to walk into school on their own as this helps the children to be more independent and allows the first lesson of the day to start on time.

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Inevitably, your child(ren) will encounter an issue at school. To support them with this, please talk to your child(ren) about the importance of speaking to an adult in school so that these can be resolved in a timely manner. If you need to speak to a member of staff, please reach out via email to arrange a meeting. All teacher’s emails are available in the Primary Parent Handbook on pages 4-6.

At the end of each day, parents/carers are keen to ask their child(ren) about what happened at school. Finding out about your child’s day can be tricky, as they may not always seem willing to tell you. Have a look at this article from Twinkl  for some top tips about how to make this conversation go successfully.

Please see above some photos of the great learning that has already happened over the first couple of weeks in the Primary section.

Miss Louise Banthorpe, KS2 Deputy Principal

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Developing Independence and Resilience in Primary