Upper Primary Students Lead Assemblies About Hanukkah

Upper Primary Students Lead Assemblies About Hanukkah

Upper Primary Students Lead Assemblies About Hanukkah
Latest School News

A group of Years 3 to 5 students brought the Shaper Profile to life, displaying collaboration, courage and excellent communication skills when leading two assemblies about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.

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These brilliant students planned the assemblies as a team and took turns speaking to share their presentation to a Key Stage Two audience. They explained the story of Hanukkah, often known as the Jewish festival of lights, the different traditions that happen during the festival and all the exciting ways that they celebrate it with their families. We even had one student dressed up as a dreidel!

A fantastic effort!

We would like to wish everyone who celebrated a very happy Hanukkah!

KS2 Teachers

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Upper Primary Students Lead Assemblies About Hanukkah