Celebrating St Julian’s School’s 88th Founders’ Day

Each year, on the school day closest to November 24th we celebrate our Founders Day. It’s now tradition to join together to eat cake - we think that this year may have been the first by celebrating with social-distancing friendly cupcakes! But I wonder how many of us actually stop and think about the history behind this day and the story behind the founding of the school on 24th November 1932.
Established with only 29 students and 1 boarder, we have now grown to a school of over 1,200 students from the ages of 3 to 18 with a successful IB programme. The School has always followed a British curriculum and became the first international school in Portugal to offer the International Baccalaureate programme in 1986 with the first students to complete their whole educational journey at St Julian’s graduating in 1988.
Please do read the insightful article written by André Abreu of our Community Services and Communications team for further information on the history of our school and Founders Day.