Exploring Science during Remote Learning

Exploring Science during Remote Learning

Exploring Science during Remote Learning
Latest School News

The students and teachers may have had to move out of the labs, but we have certainly found interesting and creative ways to continue exploring science from home.

Over the last few weeks, students across the Secondary Section have been experiencing science in new and creative ways. From creating their very own models of the solar system with household objects in year 7, to collaborative research of real-world issues at IB, the students have been able to continue developing and expressing their skills, knowledge and understanding.

The science team, both teachers and technicians alike, have worked together to provide opportunities for students to continue learning in science. As a science team, we continue to work towards our vision of ‘Working in a collaborative and supportive way, offering high-quality learning opportunities to promote a love of science in all students and to prepare them for their future.’  

Whether working in school or from home, we strive to provide the best opportunities for our students, with learning essentials being applied in all of our lessons. We have had silly hat days, highlights of the week and opportunities to share what has made us smile, maintaining and building on our high-quality relationships with students. Through project work, research and sharing ideas with one another using technology, students have had many opportunities to work collaboratively and independently. We have also continued to build student’s ability to learn through inquiry, constructing meaning for themselves through exciting practical work at home and many research opportunities. Our use of assessment for learning and feedback, although not what we are used to in school, has allowed for students to reflect on their own learning, as well as identify and celebrate where they are to make steps for improvement. One student commented that the use of practical work and quizzes "...really make me think and reflect on what I learnt during the lesson." It has also been exciting to see the ways students are able to apply their knowledge to the real world, the world in their homes. 

When students were asked about their remote learning experiences, it was overwhelming how many responded by saying they learn best when doing practical work. When questioned about why they feel they learn best in this way, students responded with comments including "Experiments….you actually experience the thing happening, and the knowledge and realisation are almost photocopied onto my brain."; "They allow us to put our knowledge into practice, and allow us to take risks and make mistakes at first hand." and "Because we are learning in a fun way and we will know how the science works". As well as practical work, it is important we gauge where students are in their learning. You can see from the examples of the work taking place in different year groups, we have been encouraged to include as much practical and hands-on opportunities for students as possible.

Although nothing quite matches being in the labs with the students, it has been wonderful to see the learning and progress taking place throughout this period. The students and teachers should be incredibly pleased with the progress they have continued to make, and we look forward to being able to get back into the labs.

Hannah Halford
Head of Science


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Exploring Science during Remote Learning