Introducing the Shaper Profile to Lower Primary

Introducing the Shaper Profile to Lower Primary

Introducing the Shaper Profile to Lower Primary
Latest School News

At the start of this new academic year, we have been introducing the Shaper Profile to the Lower Primary students (Y1 to Y3). In order for them to fully understand the 6Cs, we are introducing one attribute at a time through assemblies and circle times.

For the first two weeks, we focused on being Compassionate. The children understood that this means being kind and caring. We talked about lots of different ways that they could show this and why it is important.

This week we are moving on to being Collaborative. Have a look at an example assembly (presentation here). We invite Parents to talk to your child about what it means to be collaborative and how they can demonstrate this at school and at home.

Louise Banthorpe
Head of KS1 (Lower Primary)

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Introducing the Shaper Profile to Lower Primary