Learning together to Shape a Brighter Future for our children

Learning together to Shape a Brighter Future for our children

Learning together to Shape a Brighter Future for our children
Latest School News

We know that sometimes being a parent is complex; each child’s development phase comes with its own unique set of challenges. Sometimes as parents, it can feel like you have as much to learn as your child to support them into adulthood.

At St Julian’s, we have been thinking about how we can support parents and carers to provide the resources and opportunities for learning that can help them overcome the challenges they face.

As part of my role as Director of Professional Learning, I have been researching learning opportunities for parents and carers.  One such opportunity is the new site that we are using with teachers. Creative Education has recently created an online platform for parents and carers. So they too can take advantage of the courses and webinars that teachers are already using.  As part of our introductory package to the site, we have secured accounts for all our students' households. So each household can join the platform and start exploring topics relevant to their family and child. Creative Education not only provide great courses, but their webinars are also an excellent option.

This week you will receive a letter inviting you to join this platform and create your own account. We hope and invite you to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.  

This is just the first step in our plans for developing a learning community, and in the coming months, we will also be restarting the parent workshops that were introduced just before COVID.

If you have ideas for parent learning and workshops or have skills in specific fields that you think other parents would benefit from, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to me at school via my email [email protected].

We are looking forward to going on this learning journey with you.

Sarah Dore
Director of Professional Learning

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Learning together to Shape a Brighter Future for our children