Student Futures in Year 11

Student Futures in Year 11

Student Futures in Year 11
Latest School News

The Student Futures Programme in year 11 has started with all students sitting Morrisby online careers profile testing.  Each student, along with their parents and guardians, has had the opportunity to discuss the resulting profile in specific career links during an online meeting with a careers professional based in the UK. The objective portrait of the student that emerges from the process is a valuable anchor for building self-knowledge, encouraging aspirations, and making confident subject choices for the next phase of education.

Students can access their results and career suggestions online, at Morrisby Online, using their personal login and password. They are then advised to review their results and interview report and explore career suggestions and IB subject profiles as part of the IB Options process. This will be a useful tool for students and parents as we begin to focus on IB subject choices and the onward implications during this critical year.

Parents and Guardians can find a more detailed overview of the Morrisby profiling can be found in the KS5 Curriculum handbook.

Helena Blanchard
Student Futures Coordinator

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