Outdoor Learning in Foundation

Outdoor Learning in Foundation

Outdoor Learning in Foundation
Latest School News

One of the significant advantages of living in Portugal is that the weather is so good it lends itself to outdoor learning, and we make the most of this in Nursery and Reception. We are fortunate that even with the restrictions of having to work in 'bubbles', there is plenty of outdoor space at St. Julian's School to offer a range of different experiences.

In the Foundation areas, there is a muddy exploration area, a water play area, a sandy area, climbing frames, the secret garden and learning can go further afield into the Head's garden, the 'Forest', the Pond and the Science garden.

This year the Reception staff have created a special outdoor classroom to supplement the students specific learning activities. This new area is being widely used and enjoyed by the Reception students, whilst the Nursery students have been very busy exploring the water and mud areas.

Liz Wood
Primary Deputy Principal

Photos show: Making Turnip soup, how does water flow, making a den in Nursery.

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Outdoor Learning in Foundation