Our road back to normal and our students’ tomorrow

Our road back to normal and our students’ tomorrow

Our road back to normal and our students’ tomorrow
Latest School News

School continues to become more normal each day, and I am enjoying seeing the enthusiastic and energetic participation of our students in academics and social and sporting activities as they prepare for their future.

Preparing our students for the future, and fully supporting their career choices has been a constant concern for our Secondary team. The world is rapidly changing, the workplace is continuously evolving, and we need to keep up and innovate in the way we support them. In this Lighthouse issue, I invite you to explore our Student Futures articles as they share what we have been working on and are preparing for the near future.

I also hope you enjoy all the news from our Foundation outdoor activities to Primary Maths in everyday life; Coding and thinking of Wellbeing for our Curriculo Bilingue, and our ever Inspiring and challenging CAS and Duke of Edinburgh Secondary activities.

Last but not least, this week our beloved Maria José celebrated 50 years of total dedication to our school and her “meninos e meninas”. It is people like Maria José and all these activities that make St. Julian’s such an inspiring and unique school.

Paul Slocombe
Head of School

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Our road back to normal and our students’ tomorrow