Halloween in Foundation

Halloween in Foundation

Halloween in Foundation
Latest School News

Knock, knock, trick or treat?  Halloween sparks such curiosity in all the children particularly the younger ones.

The children in the Early years have been excited by the Halloween theme over the last two weeks before half term and they all enjoyed it immensely. The classrooms were decorated and activities organised around the theme. Spiders and webs, bats, creepy crawlies, skeletons were seen all around.

Pumpkins of all sizes were scattered all around the learning areas and were carved, the seeds inspected,  felt, tasted, tasted, decorated.  Potions were mixed with all sorts of ingredients, and spells created to turn people into frogs, spiders and other creatures!

Halloween always provides a golden opportunity to develop language, maths concepts, creativity, music and movement, and inspire discussions on what Halloween is about.  Examples of our 6 C's were observed everywhere; communicative collaboration in potion mixing, courage facing all the witches, curiosity when opening pumpkins, citizenship when discussing what Halloween is, and compassion in the form of kindness, taking turns, letting others have a go.

The week ended with everyone including the staff dressing up and giving the school a festive feeling before breaking up for the half-term holiday.

Liz Wood
Foundation Stage Assistant Principal

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Halloween in Foundation