IB Theatre Group performs at Teatro Independente de Oeiras

IB Theatre Group performs at Teatro Independente de Oeiras

IB Theatre Group performs at Teatro Independente de Oeiras
Latest School News

Yr 13 CAS project: A short, highly stylised production called "Amber"  by the IB Theatre group. The piece explores the concept of sensationalising the theme of missing children.
This will be performed with The Lisbon Players, at Teatro Independente de Oeiras.

Thursday 9th December & Friday 10th December 19.30 

Tickets are available at the box office and will become available through Ticketline - €10 a ticket
Please consider this is only suitable for students aged 14 and above.

PLEASE come along! It is WELL worth seeing ... and the perfect activity before dinner.

Caroline Latter
Head of Drama

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IB Theatre Group performs at Teatro Independente de Oeiras