Model United Nations challenges our students

Model United Nations challenges our students

Model United Nations challenges our students
Latest School News

The 27th Iberian Model United Nations hosted by CAISL took place between the 12th-13th November. The theme of “A World Post Crisis” was eagerly debated by our students representing the countries of Iceland, Portugal and Nepal. Eight students between Year’s 10-12 represented St Julian’s admirably over the two days. Tiago, who was taking part in his first Model United Nations Experience, writes about his personal experience below. 

Jack Hudson
Education Beyond the Classroom Coordinator

I first heard about the Model United Nations from my friends, who were discussing events that happened in the previous year. Intrigued, I went to the meeting to listen to what it actually entailed. I was thrilled about the chance to represent a unique country and debate the merits of several plans we could come up with to solve some of the world’s biggest problems. It was a chance to present my ideas and put myself in an environment I had never been in. The chance to stand up and speak about what I believe in interested me, and delivering a speech was a unique challenge, but one I was excited about. The experience of participating in a Model United Nations was an amazing one, and I hope that any student thinking about joining is inspired by this article to sign up. Everyone’s experience is unique, but for me, it was an event that allowed me to meet and talk to people I would never get to know and to experience first-hand the world of Politics and Diplomacy.

Tiago Mole
Year 11

Front Row: Tiago Mole, Isabella Martins, Graça Gonçalves
Back Row: Nikhil Maharaj, Tomás Andrade, John Reis, Ana Soares, Francisca Ramos


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Model United Nations challenges our students