Happy, smiling faces and curious minds

Happy, smiling faces and curious minds

Happy, smiling faces and curious minds
Latest School News

The enthusiasm, dedication and effort shown by the children this week after a busy week online has been phenomenal. We are so impressed with how adaptable and resilient the children have been and very appreciative of the support from adults at home while the children navigated their home learning on Seesaw.

Now we are back in school, the children have embarked on their new topics for the Spring term: ‘Animals’ in Year 1, ‘Where in the world?’ in Year 2 and ‘Egyptians’ in Year 3. Lots of enquiry-based learning has taken place with children asking questions and following their own research as they seek to learn new information. Well done, children, for a great first week back in school!

Louise Banthorpe
Lower Primary Assistant Principal

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Happy, smiling faces and curious minds