Year 7 Culture Swap

Year 7 Culture Swap

Year 7 Culture Swap
Latest School News

Over the past few weeks, during tutor time, our Year 7 students have been learning about the countries which are special to their friends during our ‘Year 7 Culture Swap’ activity.

Flickr album: Culture Swap | Height: 140px | Theme: Justified | Skin: Default Skin

Each student worked with a partner to select a country and identify why it is important to them, and teach the rest of their class the specificities of that nation. The Year 7 team have been so impressed with how well Year 7 students were able to collaborate with each other and how creative they have been, as we have been able to learn about our internationalism as a year group through posters, slideshows and videos.

Sarah Johnson
Head of Y7 and PE Teacher

Here is what some of our students have said about the experience:

“The two things that I have really enjoyed about the culture swap was that I could learn about different countries that weren't necessarily mine. I also really enjoyed learning and seeing what traditions they had, foods they eat and also learning a few words in that language” Bahia - 7RH

7KM enjoyed choosing teams, and the teamwork strengthened their bonds while doing this work. What 7KM learnt was more about their partner’s country and its customs” Lourenço - 7KM

“What a culture explosion! So many countries were introduced with detailed explanations and colourful images, such a wonderful experience! Thanks for giving me this opportunity,” Marissa - 7CWS

“I really enjoyed finding new facts I never knew about my own country and that I get to choose who I could be with. I really enjoyed it” Varvára - 7HB

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Year 7 Culture Swap