St Julian's children's Mental Health Week

St Julian's children's Mental Health Week

St Julian's children's Mental Health Week
Latest School News

Given the ongoing mental health challenges we continue to experience resulting from the global pandemic, St. Julian’s has decided to organise its first “St. Julian’s Mental Health Week”, in line with Children's Mental Health Week in the UK. ‘Children's Mental Health Week’ was established by the Mental Health charity, ‘Place2Be’ and is now recognised as an annual event in many schools across the UK. The theme for this year's event is ‘Growing Together’.

The “SJS Mental Health Week” will take place between 7th -11th February. It is being coordinated by the Secondary Counselling Team.

We would like to highlight a range of activities that are planned across the week:

For Students

  • DT Graphics competition to design a poster for Mental Health Week 
  • Daily Wellbeing Activities; for students & their tutors.
  • Health & Citizenship lessons focusing on Positive Psychology.
  • Daily Mindfulness activities.
  • Wellbeing themed assemblies (primary)
  • An opportunity for students to create Wellbeing Toolkits.
  • Drop-in School Counselling sessions are available to all students in secondary school.
  • Access to further Information & Resources on Mental Health.

For Parents

Workshop for Secondary Parents
Date: 8th February
Time: 9.30 - 10.30am
Booking joining link

Our Communication

Our students have also played a key role in developing imagery, messages and posters to promote this event. Over the past two weeks, our year 10 DT Graphics students have been set the challenge of designing a poster for the St Julians Children's Mental Health Week. The students demonstrated high levels of creativity and engagement in the task, highlighting their awareness of the importance of Mental Health. It has been difficult to select one poster from the many excellent entries, but we felt the poster designed by Cassia De Bandeira 
best represents the theme of the week. Well done to everyone who took part in this challenge.

We are sharing below all the fantastic proposals received from the Y10 DT class.

Flickr album: St Julian's Mental Health Week | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

We are excited at St Julian’s to support this important event.

Maria Raven-Rudd and Mariana Manjerão
Secondary Counselling Team 

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St Julian's children's Mental Health Week