Walk like an Egyptian... in Year 3

Walk like an Egyptian... in Year 3

Walk like an Egyptian... in Year 3
Latest School News

This term our Year 3 students have embarked on their topic, ‘Egyptians’, and are enjoying learning all about this period of history.

As you walk amongst the Year 3 classrooms, you can feel the buzz of excitement as the children carry out their research and discover the fascinating world of ancient Egypt. Whether it is studying the geography of Egypt with Google Earth or learning about the pyramids, the Sphinx, the pharaohs or the Egyptian gods and goddesses, the children are clearly enthralled by this topic.

Have a look at some of their favourite facts:
“The first mummy was Orisis, god of the dead.” Oscar 3SHO
“Ra is the most important god because he is the god of the sun.” Emilia 3AM
“Tutankhamun was the youngest pharaoh in Egypt.” Antonio 3SHO 
“Mummies were put in the underground tombs of the pyramids.” Evelyn 3AM
“Cairo is the capital of Egypt.” Fred 3SHO
“Isis protected children and is the goddess of magic.” Matilde M. 3AM
“King Tutankhamun’s tomb was found underground and untouched in 1922.” Gabriel 3SHO
“The River Nile is the source of water for the Egyptians and is the longest river in the world.” Selena 3AM
“Most people in Egypt are Muslim.” Alisha 3SHO
“Mummies organs were put into canopic jars, with the exception of the heart as they believed if they weighed less than a feather, this would take them to the afterlife.” Carolina 3AM
“In ancient Egypt, there were over 2000 different gods.” Novak 3SHO

And finally….
“Cats were so highly thought of, that when they died, the owners had to shave their eyebrows off. When the eyebrows grew back, it signified the end of the mourning period!” Year 3 teachers

Please see photos below.

Louise Banthorpe
Assistant Principal for Lower Primary

Writing instructions for how to catch the Egyptian goddess, Ammit:


Setting traps for the Egyptian goddess, Ammit:

Even the children on the virtual learning programme were able to share what they had found out during their weekly Google Meet and discuss some photographs that I took of the Great Pyramids of Giza, from a previous trip to Cairo!

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Walk like an Egyptian... in Year 3