Growing Together in Upper Primary

Growing Together in Upper Primary

Growing Together in Upper Primary
Latest School News

The past week in Upper Primary we have been celebrating Children’s “Mental Health Week". This year’s theme is “Growing Together”.

Through our assembly, we have been exploring our emotions and identifying which emotions make us behave in different ways. We have also learned that Mental Health is all about how we are feeling, the thoughts we are having and how this affects the choices we make and how we behave.

Upper Primary have revisited the Zones of Regulation and we have looked at strategies to help us cope with our emotions when we are in the blue, yellow and red zones.

By identifying these emotions and using strategies to help us, we can learn to manage these emotions so we don’t hurt ourselves or others. We can learn to use these feelings to learn more about ourselves and the world around us. This is how we can begin to grow emotionally.

We also talked about making time to explore and notice our own thoughts and feelings. From there, we can begin to notice other people’s emotions and begin to help our friends.

Finally, we came up with ways in which the 6Cs can help us grow emotionally and help us to have positive mental health.

We have also reached out to our virtual learners and shared the assembly and some amazing videos full of support and advice.

Watch our assembly to find out more!

Tara Palmer
Upper Primary Assistant Principal

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Growing Together in Upper Primary