Varsity Girls Football Match Results

Varsity Girls Football Match Results

Varsity Girls Football Match Results
Latest School News

The first match of the year 2022, against Park International School, was a great way to start our tournament, winning 4-0. As a team, we were able to use all the skills we had been learning, but specifically, we kept a high work ethic and were sure to keep regaining possession. Fearful, as we were missing our goalkeeper, a few of our brave players volunteered and took turns to be goalkeepers despite a lack of experience, and performed very well keeping a clean sheet! This made us feel confident and ready to play in our next match.

In order to reach the final of the Girls Varsity Football final our next match was against San Antonio International School. We had not played against this team for a number of years and were unsure about their team play. Mr Bygroves introduced some new players to our team from Y10 which was great to have some new ideas on our organisation and prepared moves.

The game started well, the team was cohesive and positive throughout the match ending in a win of an amazing 9-2! It was such a great boost of confidence before the final.

After winning our mini-league we were in the final against our old rivals Oeiras International School. They had beaten CAISL to reach the final 4-2 which was a great result. Our team felt some trepidation as CAISL is good. For OIS to have such a convincing win meant we were going to have to be on our best form. As their team arrived, there were many new players that we did not recognise - we were told that some played for clubs outside of school.

The first half began nervously, and we made mistakes. By the end of the first half, we were 2-1 down. Our team talk at the halftime break was intense and heated. We all felt determined to improve our play and show what we can do as a team. Once the second half began we started to play as a team, passing with more precision, keeping the ball on the ground, marking our opposition and looking for space. We attacked again and again and the game finished with us being victorious 6-2.

A huge thank you to Mr Bygroves for the time and effort he has given to coaching us and for his encouragement and support during the games. It was a real shame that he was ill during the final but thank you to Ms Small and Mr Hudson for their belief and support.

This was the last school match for me (Isabella), Marta Maia and Bea Sousa as we leave St Julian’s. What a fantastic way to end our school footballing career, and as captain, I am so proud of my team!

Match report by Y13: Isabella Burchell and Alisha Samrow

Front Row: Margarida Noronha, Alisha Samrow, Beatriz Sousa, Marta Maia, Lua Marti, Chloe Hosford, Filipa Li
Back Row: Luena Ferreira, Sienna Jones, Ariana Sousa, Victoria Perez, Paula Hernandez, Sara Castro-Santos, Benedita Marques, Emmeline Van Zeltan


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Varsity Girls Football Match Results