Celebrating our Y11s’ final day of KS4

Celebrating our Y11s’ final day of KS4

Celebrating our Y11s’ final day of KS4
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Last Thursday marked a very important day for our Year 11 students. With the (I)GCSE examinations now underway, the Year 11s met as a year group, along with their tutors, to celebrate the last official day of Key Stage 4 with an inter-form ultimate frisbee competition (led by our very own ultimate frisbee guru, Mr Tupling), and a final assembly in the Main Hall.

As Head of Year 11, I can’t help but feel that the last two years have flown by. I have worked with many students an awful lot and others I would have loved to have been able to spend more time with. It has, however, been my privilege to get to know each and every one of this very special cohort.

I very much hope that each student has taken something away from their tutors and me. On a personal level, I have certainly learned a great deal from this diverse, receptive, and extremely animated group of young adults.

The (I)GCSE programme is itself challenging, and for the most part, the students have approached it with maturity and enthusiasm. Though it would be very easy to let the past years' events overwhelm our memory, I must express my respect for the positivity and resilience shown by the students over this particularly challenging period.

I must also thank the many teachers and members of staff who have dedicated so much time and effort to ensure that each and every student has had the very best opportunity to learn, belong, and be shaped into the young adults they are today. I would like to say a special thank you to my dear friends, and colleagues Caroline Latter, Jack Hudson, Sharon McPherson, Ana Marques, Tory Coates, and David Crespo, whose support both to the students and to me has been invaluable.

To those students who are leaving us at St. Julian’s, I wish you all the best for the next stage of your academic journey. I hope you cherish your memories of our School and remember that each one of you has contributed to making this year's group such a special one. Do stay in touch!

To those staying, I look forward to witnessing your learning and growth throughout the IB Diploma Programme. The students now have the opportunity to prove themselves to themselves in the examination hall, and I wish them the very best of luck.

David Crow
Head of Year 11

And I will sign off here with my very own Ode to Year 11:

As I stand in the Hall before you,
And search for the right words to say,
I reflect on the year now behind us,
That has led to this most special day.

Year 10 became Year 11,
SKN became TOC,
The school bell now rang at 8:20!
And let’s not forget H&C…

A year, for some, full of laughter,
For many, a year full of stress,
But our reason to be here together,
Is to celebrate your success.

And though Year 10 was a dream,
And though the bar was set high,
With 11X now in the team,
It was time not to coast but to fly!

That said, my dearest of students,
Success is really quite tough,
But if there’s one thing I know, now I’ve known you some time,
You’re certainly made of strong stuff!

Curious, compassionate citizens,
You communicate curiously,
Compassionate, curious communicators,
I hope I’ve remembered each C!

And your merits continued arriving,
And one more, and two more, and three more,
Is there a virus on iSAMS?
My inbox can’t hold anymore!

But enough of this clear sycophancy,
‘Cause Year 11, you’re also a pain,
Best not to mention your “uniform”,
Or your tutors may just go insane!

And speaking again of your tutors,
The crème de la crème of our school,
Simply calling them tutors,
Simply cannot cover it all.

CAL’s a prime example,
She’s creative, caring and kind,
DC, doutor, what a pleasure,
Devoted and one of a kind!

SMC is sharp and inspiring,
Witty, engaging and bold!
TOC’s the Midas of teaching,
Her ideas turn to gold!

AM is simply outstanding,
At everything that she does,
JAH is an SJS legend,
And makes teaching look effortless.

Mr Burke and Mr Norbury,
Don’t think you’ve escaped my rhyme,
Your support is truly valued,
Though a pay rise would also be fine!

But it’s time to turn back to our students,
As this poem is really for them,
TOC, SMC and 11 AM.

Your purple hibiscus is blooming,
Put your science goggles away,
Viel Glück and bonne chance with your orals,
With your painting and printing and clay,

Your courseworks are finally behind you,
DT only took you a year,
Curtain down on your final performance,
You’ve read your last page of Shakespeare.

You’ve stuck up your revision timetable,
You’ve worked on your marginal gain,
One last 1% improvement,
Just try 1% more to stay sane!

But sadly we cannot avoid it,
The elephant in the room,
But fear not, my dear Year 11s,
Exams are not all doom and gloom.

Just read every question carefully,
And make sure your writing is clear,
You must be in your uniform,
And must bring all appropriate gear.

Bottles and cases are see-through,
Phones and watches outside,
Check out your seat on the posters,
And no turning and chatting inside!

Breakfast and lunch are essential,
Sleep well the night before,
And remember we’re here to support you,
All it takes is a knock at our door!

But last year we sat on the pátio,
And what was my message that day?
“Exam grades do not define you”,
Another teacher cliché.

Except this one really wasn’t,
As a true St. Julian’s shaper,
Is much more than just an exam,
Is much more than a grade on a paper.

And a shout out, of course, to our leavers,
To whom I must confess,
We are so sad to see you leaving,
But you’ll always remain SJS!

We know it’s a long road to freedom,
A winding steep and high,
But to all those sat here before me,
The time has now come to say bye.

Year 10 became Year 11,
Year 11 is finishing here,
It has truly been a pleasure,
And your poem continues next year…

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