PE Celebration & Sports Days

PE Celebration & Sports Days

PE Celebration & Sports Days
Latest School News

Early Years and Lower Primary PE Celebration Day
Last week we had the pleasure of having parents in school, after 2 years away, to watch and participate in PE Celebration Day, performed by Early Years and Lower Primary. Children worked very hard, for more than a month to be able to showcase all their improved skills during the PE lessons, to their parents. It was a truly special and spectacular moment of quality time between children, teachers and parents, where everyone enjoyed and had so much fun!
Rita Marques, Lower Primary PE Teacher

PE Upper Primary Sports Day
It was with great joy, enthusiasm and a big smile that we could welcome back Upper Primary Sports Day.
An Inter House competition where all students from year 3/2º ano to year 6/5º ano participated and contributed to a fun-filled morning with plenty of activities. Parents could come back to school to see their children and cheer for their participation and success. It feels great to be back!
Ana Alves, Upper Primary PE Teacher

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