New school year, New Facilities in Primary

New school year, New Facilities in Primary

New school year, New Facilities in Primary
Latest School News

When our Reception students returned after the summer, they were amazed to see how different their playground looked.  They couldn’t wait to go around it to see the changes that were implemented in such a short period of time.

The exciting new climbing frames are proving to be a big attraction, offering all sorts of new challenges for the children. We now have landscaped grassy areas that include a tunnel and mounds to run up and down and a lovely new sand pit. Further into the playground, there is an attractive wooden water seesaw that flows into water trays, little wooden houses, and an inviting muddy area with a dry river running through it. Leading from the muddy area through a wooden arch, the secret garden has become even more magical with stepping stones, wooden seating and an amazing king’s/Queen’s throne!

The interiors have also been renovated and are equally as exciting and inviting, and we are still putting in the finishing touches and exploring just how we can make the best use of all the wonderful transformed spaces to surround our students with the most inspiring activities.

As the word has spread around the school, there are constant visits from older students who want to see the transformation for themselves.

I am amazed at just how much work was achieved in the 2 months of holiday, and I am sure there are many people to thank for that. We invite you to take a look at this small video, and you will be able to see this truly remarkable transformation.

Angela Harris
Primary Principal

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New school year, New Facilities in Primary