Secondary School End of Year

Secondary School End of Year

Secondary School End of Year
Latest School News

As we approach the end of the school year it is a natural time for reflection on what has been quite a peculiar school year. It is a documented phenomenon that the mind disrupts memories of challenging events, so thinking back to Term 1 and Term 2 of this year it can be difficult to place events. It was not so long ago that the school gates were closed for a circuit breaker lockdown after Christmas break or that we had scores of students on a virtual learner list due to Covid isolation. Many families would have experienced the frustration and worry of the virus passing from one family member to the next over days and weeks at home.

It is in this context that we have finally returned to experience the joy of sports tournaments, activities, trips and performing to an audience. Recent events, such as the Poetry Slam, which you can read about in this Lighthouse, and the Year 7 Creative Arts performance, have highlighted the extent to which opportunities such as these are part of the fabric of what makes St. Julian’s so special.

I would like to say a huge well done to all of our students who, after more than two years of disruption to their school life, are showing their courage more than ever. We are well aware that continued support will be needed to overcome the legacy of the last 2 years and are committed to ensuring that our young people develop the tools to shape opportunities for their future.

Also, a huge thank you to all of our parents and staff for working together to do the best for the young people at the heart of our community. It is a partnership we value and appreciate.

During the summer, I hope everyone is able to take some time to relax, process the events of the past year, connect with friends and family and come back ready for a fantastic year.

Dan Norbury
Secondary Principal

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Secondary School End of Year