Farewell to Assistant Librarian, Eli Hansen

Farewell to Assistant Librarian, Eli Hansen

Farewell to Assistant Librarian, Eli Hansen
Latest School News

Some of the 8º ano students took it upon themselves to interview Mrs Hansen as she is going to leave St Julian’s. They came up with a few poignant questions, which you will have the opportunity to read below.

Thank you for agreeing to answer a few questions about your time at St Julian’s School, Mrs Hansen.

Michael, 8º ano: As you might know I am new to this school, how did you feel when you first arrived here, and how was it compared to where you worked before?

E: (Mrs Eli Hansen, Norwegian) This school is very special, and everyone makes me feel welcome. And everyone is willing to teach me things I don’t know. That is a huge learning curve. 

Theodor, 8º ano: If you could describe St. Julian’s in a few words, what would they be?

E: Caring,.. they are all educators.. trying to see everyone how special they are.

T: All the work you have done in the library, does it now feel rewarding?

E: Yes, what I think I have done most is the connection with the children, and I am a visual person. 

Beatriz, 8º ano:  How did you come to be a Librarian?

E: I was a mum at home, and I worked at a hotel business, and then I thought, I miss working with kids. You know, when you are in a hotel, you speak to a lot of people. You learn to read people. I can communicate with many other different people, and that is my strength.

Beatriz, 8º ano: What is your favourite book? Why?

E: I am a big fan of biography books because that tells me a story. That influences you enormously. To give you courage. Simone Biles struggled, and I struggled in many different ways, but I managed to get there.

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Michael: We appreciate the changes done at the library. What did you have in mind when you undertook this renovation?

E: It was a joint venture between Christina and me. So she wrote everything that needed to be jotted down, and I made the slideshow and took photos. Then I put it all together, and we made a presentation. So this was just a small facelift. And hopefully, it has made a little difference for you guys.

Theodor: We are aware that you are leaving the country for good. Have you got any idea what you are going to do? What would you like to do next?

E: I would continue on this journey. I don’t know yet, but I will probably continue either in a library in Denmark. I definitely want to continue being with people and where everyone grows, including myself. 

Beatriz, 8º ano: Thank you for making us feel wanted and thank you for helping us along our book journey by personally choosing the right books for us time and time again.

We will miss you dearly. However, we wish you strength and courage with your next journey in life, and we will always remember you for all the good you did for us. We will remember you every time we go to the library and picture you there as if you had never left.

Thank you!

Currículo Bilingue Students

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Farewell to Assistant Librarian, Eli Hansen