Lisbon Rocks in Year 2

Last term, Year 2 went on their first school trip of the year to the Lisbon Story Centre. This was part of our topic, Lisbon Rocks. The children had already learned about the Lisbon Earthquake and how the city was rebuilt following the disaster. The visit was a great opportunity to learn even more about that period.

This tour gave us lots of information about what life was really like in Lisbon before the earthquake. We are able to see the earthquake-proof structures the Marquês de Pombal and his engineers put into the buildings when they rebuilt the city. After the visit to the Lisbon Story Center, we walked around Praça do Comércio, and the children recognised lots of landmarks that they had seen in pictures of Lisbon from before 1755.
Finally, students went back to St Julian's excitedly, talking about all the things they had learned on the trip.
Tom Ackner
Y2 Teacher