Year 13 CAS 2022-23 Projects

Year 13 CAS 2022-23 Projects

Year 13 CAS 2022-23 Projects
Latest School News

Great acts are made up of small deeds
Lao Tsu

The CAS collaborative project is probably the most essential part of the programme. Students initially form groups with the aim of identifying a need in the community and coming up with an original way to support the cause. 

Inevitably these project collaborations always throw up small challenges, as working with others, especially in friendship groups, is not always plain sailing. That’s why when the projects are finally completed, we celebrate the culmination of each individual's perseverance and commitment to a common goal.

In the last two years, we set out a challenge for each project group to address not only CAS learning outcomes but also one of the vitally important Global goals for a sustainable future. It is not always easy to think globally and act locally, but the examples shown here demonstrate how every deed counts and a lesson of how our actions, however small they may be, together make a difference.

Well done, Year 13!

Bernardo Savill
CAS Coordinator

Nationality Month

Bottle Cap Collection

Producing an EP and Hosting a Listening Party

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Year 13 CAS 2022-23 Projects