SJS Students help decorate a Christmas party...

SJS Students help decorate a Christmas party...

SJS Students help decorate a Christmas party...
Latest School News

With the help of the art teachers students from 1º to 8º anos contributed with their artistic skills to create amazing decorations in their art lessons. The aim was to create colourful decorations by reusing materials. The Drama department also contributed with materials. Some year 12 students contributed to the setting up of the decorations in Lisbon as a CAS experience and we could also count on the help of some year 13 students who even took friends of theirs to help. What a pleasure to once again see everyone’s involvement and see all the set-up in place. The feedback from the organisers was very positive.

Flickr album: 34.ª Festa de Natal para as Pessoas em Situação de Sem-Abrigo | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Big thank you to everyone involved.

Maria Pinto
Professora de Ciências Naturais e CAS

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