Share your opinion on “Learning Conversation Day”

Share your opinion on “Learning Conversation Day”

Share your opinion on “Learning Conversation Day”
Latest School News

Secondary students took part in the third annual Learning Conversation Day on Wednesday, 25th January. These sessions have a variety of benefits, such as:

  • Encouraging self-reflection and objective setting for students, which can be highly motivating and empowering for young people to gain a sense of control 
  • We always ask students to consider what they are proud of and share this with parents to celebrate progress. With the support of parents and tutors, this is positive for self-esteem and confidence in learning.
  • The authentic opportunity to practise presenting to adults and lead a conversation is very valuable.

Secondary students took part in the third annual Learning Conversation Day on Wednesday, 25th January. These sessions have a variety of benefits, such as:

  • Encouraging self-reflection and objective setting for students, which can be highly motivating and empowering for young people to gain a sense of control. 
  • We always ask students to consider what they are proud of and share this with parents to celebrate progress. This is positive for self-esteem and confidence in learning
  • The authentic opportunity to practise presenting to adults and to lead a conversation is very valuable.

Your opinion is important
We will continue to build on this event and have sought parent feedback. If you would like to share your thoughts, please complete this form 

Some initial feedback from parents is shown below:

Question: The most positive or useful part of the Learning Conversation Day was…..

“To have a feeling about how my son addresses teachers regarding his biggest challenges he has been having during the year or his plans for the near future. For instance, the ambition to improve grades.”

“To witness my daughter explaining the challenges she faced and is facing, and the near future plans to overcome them. It was delightful to see how she already understands the meaning of time management and several types of objectives. She recognizes how hard it is to practise sport so frequently and still find time to study and socialise with so many friends.”

“Getting to know how one's child feels in school and is getting along. Seeing the support of tutors and their importance of being around for the students.”

“I loved feeling part of the children’s programme, and I loved the three-way interaction.”

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Share your opinion on “Learning Conversation Day”