Year 4 “Boom Boom” Topic

Year 4 “Boom Boom” Topic

Year 4 “Boom Boom” Topic
Latest School News

This half term, the Year 4 students have been doing some fantastic learning about sound. This has involved some fascinating science investigations, alongside presentations from some of our Secondary science and music teachers, to really bring the learning to life.

After learning about how vibrations cause sounds and how sounds travel, as well as how sounds can change pitch and loudness, the children made their own string telephones and went outside to test these out! They had a lot of fun. We also tested how far sound can travel - much further than anyone had predicted!

Mrs Stockwell from the music department led a presentation about sound and music. The students were fascinated to learn how different musical instruments produce sound.

Ms Louise Banthorpe

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Year 4 “Boom Boom” Topic