Primary Book & Art Week invites Authors and Illustrators

Primary Book & Art Week invites Authors and Illustrators

Primary Book & Art Week invites Authors and Illustrators
Latest School News

A combined Book and Art Week was held, during which the primary students created some fantastic writing and art inspired by books and their illustrations.

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The week began with meeting the award-winning author and illustrator Paul Geraghty. We listened to his stories about growing up in the bush in South Africa, in which he gave some strange and bizarre names to the creatures he described so well. Later in the week, we all met with him again to hear him talk to us about some of his books and to demonstrate how he drew his animal characters. The beautiful artwork the students produced can be seen on display in the Primary entrance hall.

On the Friday before our holiday, we held a book character dress-up day, and that morning we had a wide range of characters, from the Wimpy Kid to Mary Poppins, walk through our school gates!

Thank you to everyone involved for a wonderful week.

Jo Williams
English Subject Leader and Primary Teacher

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Primary Book & Art Week invites Authors and Illustrators