Year 5 Fun Beach Clean-up

Year 5 Fun Beach Clean-up

Year 5 Fun Beach Clean-up
Latest School News

On Friday 21st April, our Year 5 pupils eagerly rolled up their sleeves and scoured the sandy beach, their eyes darting around in search of hidden treasures among the discarded debris. Armed with gloves and rubbish bags, they collected a variety of discarded items, from plastic bottles and food wrappers to lost flip-flops and broken toys.

Flickr album: Beach Clean Up | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

In addition to cleaning up the beach in honour of Earth Day (22nd April), our pupils will tally the different items picked up to use in their maths lessons. They will use the information collected to create graphs and bar charts in their mathematics lessons.

“This was like an Easter Egg hunt, except the rubbish was easier to find,” said Alexander in 5IG, beaming with pride at his contributions to the cleanup efforts.

“This was a wonderful experience for all of our pupils," said Ciaran Finnegan, Year 5 teacher.

"They were able to collect data which we will use in our upcoming maths lessons while having a positive impact on their environment and spending time outside of the classroom, a win-win-win."

Henri in 5CM shared, “I loved cleaning the beach because I saw how much rubbish there was, and it made me want to pick it all up.”

“I learned so much about different materials and what can be recycled,” said Leonardo, 5CFI.

Hope, also in 5CFI, added, “It felt good to be cleaning up the environment and making a popular public place nicer to be.”

Overall, the beach clean-up was a great opportunity for our pupils to learn about the importance of taking care of the environment and making a positive impact in their community.

Mrs Isabel Gusmão
Year 5 teacher

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Year 5 Fun Beach Clean-up