Students Futures Team Coffee Morning with Y12 and Y13

Students Futures Team Coffee Morning with Y12 and Y13

Students Futures Team Coffee Morning with Y12 and Y13
Latest School News

Before the Easter Break, parents of Year 12 students were invited to a coffee morning during which information about the Student Futures support for Y12 and Y13 students who are planning their onward journeys post St. Julian's was presented. Please find the information shared in the slides linked here. We would also like to share the links to our dedicated St. Julian's Higher Education website and our Portuguese Universities Website with parents to help provide them with the information and support they need at this exciting time. We look forward to seeing parents at future similar events and working together over the upcoming months during the application process. 

The Student Futures Team:
Mrs Helena Blanchard (Head of Student Futures), Mrs Christine Sousa e Sá, Mrs Paula Santos

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Students Futures Team Coffee Morning with Y12 and Y13