Franklin House is Looking for a New Charity to Support

Franklin House is Looking for a New Charity to Support

Franklin House is Looking for a New Charity to Support
Latest School News

Franklin House is on the lookout for a new charity to work and support for the next school year.

Some of you may know that Ms Maj-Lis Johansson, the driving force behind the  Maj-Lis philanthropic organisation, which the Frankin House supported, passed away last December. She was the driving force and founder of the charity and did amazing local, national and international charity work.; however, with her sad passing, the charity is no longer in operation.

Franklin House worked with Maj-Lis in our foodbank collections as well as other charity events. As the organisation is not in operation anymore, we are on the lookout for a new charity for Franklin to work with. We will be putting together a small working group of staff and students from Franklin House to do research, collect opinions and help decide on a new charity to support. Our aim is to have made a decision by the end of the academic year. If you have any questions or suggestions for reputable charities, please contact Mr Steven Jones by email.

Mr Steve Jones, House Leader and Secondary Physics Teacher

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